Our heritage craft and wilderness skills festival invites you to immerse yourself in the practical skills and cultural traditions that support a low-impact lifestyle – one with a distinctive African flavour.




4 days | 10+ skills to choose from

During our time together, craft, outdoor and earth-skills enthusiasts have the opportunity to gather in community, in a beautiful outdoor location, and immerse themselves in the hands-on skills and heritage crafts that support low-impact living. Many of these have deep roots in our beloved land, and we come together to honour these, and the people who preserve these ancient skills, during the Gathering.

Our Earthskills Gathering event coincides with South Africa’s annual Heritage Day celebration, and this is, of course, no coincidence. We believe that to truly know a place, you need to know the crafts of its people, and South Africa is a rich land when it comes to multi-cultural heritage crafts.







Participants are invited to attend workshops in the crafts/skills on offer during scheduled sessions during this four-day event.

The number of active participants attending each workshop is limited according to the facilitator’s capacity and the nature of the process, to support a good depth of experience for all involved, but all are welcome to observe those classes they are unable to attend.

Registration for the sessions takes place on the Saturday morning, giving those who are still finding their way into the crafts the opportunity to try out different skills during the festival.

In addition to learning practical skills to support a low-impact lifestyle, participants are invited to relax round the fire each evening, where stories and music are created and shared, and wholesome meals enjoyed in community.

There is also plenty to be enjoyed between sessions, including scenic walks and river swims at our host camp or in the surrounding area.

Pop-up demos and discussions give the community a chance to find out more about the crafts and skills on offer, and how to deepen your learning throughout the year.





At Earthskills Africa we wholeheartedly believe in the ancient tribal custom of a children’s fire. This means that when the ‘elders’ come together, a fire is lit as a reminder that all that we do, we do not for our own gain, but for future generations.

Raising our children to respect the Earth and to engage in a relationship with nature is of utmost importance, and our Earthskills Gathering youth activities are designed with this in mind. Our Skills-based workshops (for ages 8 to 14) bring young hands and hearts together in bush skills, games and activities, while our Play-based workshops (for ages 3 to 7) inspire exploration and wonder through simple craft and nature-based activities.

passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young
— Richard Louv

Take a look at this short film of our inaugural event in 2019. For updates on our events, follow our journey via Instagram and Facebook.