As a registered non-profit organisation, our ROOTS programme is the heart and soul of our vision at Earthskills Africa. It’s why we do what we do, and it’s our way of making a difference.


Our ROOTS programme includes five key activities:

R-esearch – an ongoing journey to explore the practical earthskills held within our diverse cultural landscape that support sustainable living

O-pportunity – providing a platform and a programme of workshops and events for local craftspeople and skills practitioners to share their skills with others

O-utreach – supporting the handing down of skills within communities, from elders to youth

T-eaching – we are in the process of developing three programmes for children: My Earth, My Hands and My Future, offering nature awareness, skills development and apprenticeship opportunities, respectively

S-ystemic implementation – the big, hairy goal: an outdoor learning space from which to run workshops and develop integrated earthskills systems and practices, which can then be transferred to communities

If you or your business is able to support our ROOTS programme, with either strategic, material or monetary contributions, please contact us to discuss opportunities for partnership and/or collaboration.